Reading & Phonics
Please find below the presentation given to Reception and Year one parents on our approach to teaching phonics.
At NCJPS we help children to learn to read with a wide range of texts to develop confidence, fluency and understanding. We encourage children to enjoy books and use their skills as a tool for future learning.
A Reading Workshop for parents is held when children join EYFS/Reception. This year, during the autumn term, Year 1 held a Reading workshop to introduce a new systematic synthetic phonics (SSP) programme. A Year 2 reading meeting during the spring term was also held to introduce our Rocket Phonics SSP. Each year group also holds a Welcome Meeting for parents, providing an opportunity to learn more about the way we teach reading and phonics at NCJPS and discover ways parents can support children’s reading progress.
We value the contribution parents make to the teaching of reading. In addition to the Home/School Reading book and informal discussions about reading with parents, teachers report to parents about reading progress at our twice-a-year Parents Evenings.
Reading: PHONICS
At NCJPS, quality phonics teaching and learning is a key priority and one we recognise as paramount to children progressing to be confident and fluent readers and learners.
Children are taught systematic synthetic phonics using the DfE (Department of Education) validated Rocket Phonics programme. Children in Reception and Year 1 have five structured phonics sessions each week as well as additional dedicated reading sessions. They also have regular opportunities to hear and discuss stories, poetry and information texts read to them to ensure they develop a love of reading.
Children’s Rocket Phonics home readers focus on sounds that have been taught in class and with which the children are secure. In class we use Target Practice Readers to specifically focus on the most recently secured sounds. Year 1 children use practice books to write the sounds of the day. Books are also selected to share at home to develop a love of reading. Books are re-read at least two times for fluency.
In the Summer Term in Year 1 children take the Phonics Screening Check, this is a phonics-based check where the children will be expected to read 40 simple, de-codable words including nonsense words. This is a progress check to identify those children not at an expected level in their reading. The results will be reported to parents. Children who do not pass the test in Year 1 are given additional support in Year 2.
Where necessary, children have additional 1-to-1 reading sessions to allow them to revise the letter sound correspondences they found tricky. All children in Reception are heard to read once a week using the SSP Target Practice Readers and children in Year 1 have two shared readings sessions each week in addition to their phonic sessions.
During the autumn term, Reception and Year 1 parents are invited to attend information evenings to explain the teaching of phonics and receive guidance on how best to support their children at home.
There is currently a phased transition for Rocket Phonics, in Year 2 during 2022-23 and elements of the programme will be integrated into the Year 2 Curriculum. Class texts are carefully selected to link in with our wider topics.
Please click here to find out more about our phonics scheme, Rocket Phonics.
See the video below for an introduction to Reading Planet Rocket Phonics and towards the end of this page are Youtube videos for each stage of the programme and resources.
Example Sound Mat
The Accelerated Reading Scheme in Key Stage 2
The Accelerated Reading scheme is introduced towards the end of Year 2 in preparation for the transition to KS2. The programme supports children in developing key comprehension skills and reading fluency. Each child completes a Star Reading Test online which generates a reading level from which the children select fiction and non-fiction texts from their class library. After reading each text the child completes an online quiz which gives them feedback about their comprehension of the book. There are also vocabulary quizzes to check their understanding of increasingly complex language.
Additionally, each class enjoys whole class reading, daily. A text or chapter is explored for 30 minutes 4 days a week. During these sessions, the class enjoy shared reading and recording initial thoughts and questions, vocabulary investigations, activities related to a particular VIPERS objective (vocabulary, infer, predict, explain, retrieve, summarise) and VIPERS assessment questions.
They may discuss the plot, characters and writing techniques used by the author. Appropriate texts are selected that give opportunities to focus on specific objectives the children need to learn in order to move on.
Here are a few resources you may find helpful:
Year 1
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