Year 4
Welcome back Year 4!
We have a busy half term ahead.
We have started our new topics - Ancient Egyptians and Electricity.
Music Evening is on March 6th and we have started learning our songs. Remember -individual auditions will be held during the last week of this half term.
All the children have been learning a gymnastics sequence which includes different rolls and balances. 12 children will be representing North Cheshire on 28th January at Gatley Primary School, performing this routine in a competition.
We have started our swimming lessons on a Friday at Cheadle Baths. Please remember that if you have long hair, you must wear a swimming hat.
We are looking forward to seeing you at our Tu- B'Shevat Seder on Thursday 24th January.
9 Children have formed an Eco Committee and will be looking at ways to improve our school environment.