School Performance
School Performance Tables
Please click this link to view the most recent achievement and attainment tables from The Department of Education for NCJPS. These show our progress scores in reading, writing and maths.
New assessment arrangements
Following the 2017 consultation on primary assessment by the Government, it was announced in July 2022 that end of KS1 assessments will no longer be statutory from the academic year 2023 to 2024 onwards. This took effect from 1 September 2023.
Although the following KS1 assessments are now optional, NCJPS will still use them alongside other everyday classroom assessment methods to measure your child’s progress:
- teacher assessment judgements in English reading, English writing, mathematics and science
- tests in English reading and mathematics (the English grammar, punctuation and spelling test will also remain optional)
- where relevant, using the pre-key stage standards or engagement model
We will use the results, along with the work your child has done throughout the year, to help us understand how your child is progressing at the end of KS1 as they transition to KS2.
The Reception Baseline Assessment
The reception baseline assessment (RBA) will replace the end of KS1 assessments as the baseline for cohort level primary progress measures. This will happen when the first cohort with a statutory RBA reaches the end of key stage 2 (KS2) in 2028.
National curriculum assessments
Primary school pupils in England take part in the:
- reception baseline assessment: within the first 6 weeks of entering reception
- early years foundation stage profile assessment: between April and June of the academic year in which they turn 5 (usually the reception year)
- phonics screening check: in June of year 1
- key stage 1 tests: optional, at the school’s discretion, at the end of year 2
- multiplication tables check: in June of year 4
- key stage 2 tests (sometimes referred to as SATs): in May of year 6
You will find more information about the individual assessments below (Parent Guides)